Click to expand to see our accomplishments:

School Improvements and Gifts  

  • Provided each classroom with $500 to spend on supplies that they needed (over $18,000 given to our classrooms!)
  • Created and installed a musical garden on the playground in memory of Jennifer Lozano

Class Parties and Celebrations

  • Funded the Winter Party with crafts, a winter maze and a snowball fight
  • Added a Color Run to the Allen All-Star Fun Run - a new special tradition for 5th grade
  • Hosted the Friendship Parties including providing games, door decorations and valentines bags for 750+ students
  • Hosted a carnival themed End of Year Party with games and snow cones
  • Supported the 5th grade promotion ceremony
  • Funded the 5th Grade End of Year Party at Main Event and provided tshirts for the grade

School Assemblies and Programs

  • Brought the Frisco Fire Safety Clowns fire safety program for all grades
  • Supported Red Ribbon week with the Patrol Stories assembly
  • Brought the BMX assembly to support anti-bullying
  • Funded the Yuck Show assembly to teach students about science
  • Supported the room parent program
  • Brought author Kate Klise to read to students
  • Organized the WatchDOGS program that had men on campus 46 days during the school year
  • Subscribed teachers to the reading tool, Novel Effect, to help make reading in class interactive
  • Purchased tshirts for the school counselor's character trait recognition program
  • Supported the school's Field Day

Staff Appreciation

  • Provided lunches/breakfasts for all 70 staff members during the year
  • Hosted a Back to School luncheon with school supplies for teachers
  • Organized the room parents to stock the teachers lounge throughout the entire year
  • Provided financial support to the staff to help build moral and a positive culture
  • Setup an award show themed Teacher Appreciation week with lunches, treats, gift card giveaways, etc.

Family and Social Events

  • Hosted events to foster family bonding and bring educational experiences, including: STEM Night, Game Night, Multicultural Celebration and Art Night
  • Hosted a Meet the Teacher Night Reception for all families
  • Hosted two Book Fairs that raised dollars to purchase additional books for the library
  • Hosted several social events including the Ice Cream Social, Cheers & Tears, WatchDOGS Pizza Party and the Senior Reception
  • Hosted two school dances: Neon Night and the Allen Family Round Up
  • Hosted the Allen All-Star Fun Run that encouraged kids to get involved with their school
  • Donated an Allen Elementary Fun Run t-shirt to every student at the school
  • Hosted the Tip Top Holiday Shop for students to shop for family and friends

Community Giveback

  • Sponsored two scholarships for graduating seniors through the Frisco Education Foundation and established a new scholarship for a student pursuing the Arts in memory of Jennifer Lozano
  • Supported 33 class angels during the holidays
  • Collected 1,421 pairs of socks and underwear that were donated to the Frisco Threads Clothing closet.